What is family capital?

The combined resources, talents, efforts, Knowledge, and Nurture found in families.


At Sustainable Families Group, we promote family capital as a sustainable solution to the world's biggest problems.  We see family as an engine for economic development and positive social change.

Family capital refers to the combined resources, talents, efforts, knowledge, and nurture found in families. In short, it is all the good that families offer. We embrace the idea that families are assets to sustainable development and are essential contributors on the global stage. Families aren't perfect, they don't all look or act alike, but when we consider development goals such as eradicating poverty, eliminating hunger, educating children, and achieving gender equality, including families in the discussion makes sense.

All the good that families offer.



We promote family capital, all the good that families offer, as a sustainable solution to global development. In short, we believe families are a vital asset and we're trying to spread the word!

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Family stories

If you have a story that promotes families as part of the solution to life's biggest challenges, or if you're interested in being an ambassador for our cause, let us know!

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